Father Rick’s Three Minute Homily for Monday 3rd Week in Easter 2022 – 05-02-2022



Every parish is given a seal, a heavy, iron stamp that marks a document forever. We use it for sacramental records we send to people or keep in our vault. But, of course, our seal at Blessed Sacrament Church has our name on it. You can feel its impression on the paper when you run your fingers over it.

Jesus tells us in today’s gospel that the Father, God, has set His seal on Jesus. Our Lord knows He is stretching us from living our human life and its values to living His life that knows no limits. It is a stretch to believe that a worthless piece of bread about an inch and a half around becomes the Body and Blood, soul, and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a stretch to believe this is the same Jesus conceived in the womb of our Mother Mary and died on the cross.

Only Jesus can take us from a sensual faith – seeing is believing, like St. Thomas, to a faith that is God’s work. God’s work is “believing in the One the Father, God sent.”

The Eucharist is the “source and summit of our Catholic Faith. Just one-third of Catholics believe that the Eucharist is the Real Body of Christ Jesus. God the Father has a lot of “work” to do. He set His seal on Jesus for all time and eternity. He has set His seal on everyone Baptized. We receive the same seal. 

So we know that for every Catholic who doesn’t believe in the Real Presence, the faith is there. The Father’s seal never can leave them. So come to Jesus on Tuesday at 6 pm when He is exposed in the monstrance on the altar. Pour your heart out to Him for anyone you know that lost their faith, a work of God, in Jesus’ Real Presence and all He teaches us. Give God a chance to work through you!


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC    



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