Father Rick’s One Minute Homily for Monday, the 4th Week in Lent – 03-28-2022



Growing up, I loved to fish with my Dad. What was most important to me was the amount of fish and the size of the fish we caught. June and July were called the “dog days” because fish were stubborn. They would not bite. How disappointing those days were with Dad. 

As an adult, I missed out on the most crucial thing during those “dog days,” being with my Dad. I treasure the time we spent together – the chatter, the excitement of catching fish, and the disappointment when we didn’t.

The signs and wonders Jesus worked out of love and compassion were pretty much taken for granted. So I can’t help but feel His disappointment when He said, “Unless you see signs and wonders, you will not believe.” I understand the word believe to mean a friendship Jesus wants to have with us. 

We go to the circus once in a while to see a magician. However, we can’t wait to tell a friend when something has happened to us. And we are dead honest with them—what a huge difference. Jesus healed the man’s son when he poured his heart out to Jesus, “Sir, come down before my child dies!”

What’s in your heart that Jesus is waiting to hear?

Let’s have no more “dog days” with Jesus and waste golden opportunities to be His friend. 


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC 



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