Blessed Antonio Rosmini Spiritual Calendar October 1
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.
Spiritual Calendar
A Thought for Each Day of the Year
By Blessed Antonio Rosmini
October 1
Let us deem ourselves very fortunate if, by a singular favor of the Blessed Virgin, we should obtain, through the Rosary, only this: the grace to live in a way that will be pleasing to Jesus and Mary; the grace to turn all our worldly successes and prospects to our Lord’s glory and our own salvation; the grace to bear our crosses and tribulations with fortitude; the grace to be so united with Christ here below – now on Tabor, now in Gethsemane, now on the Mount of Olives – that, taking our cross on our shoulders, we may go by the road of Calvary to our imperishable crown.
March 13, 2025, Matthew 7:7-12 Ask, Don’t Tell. Have you ever been asked to stand up and share something with a group of people,
March 12, 2025, Luke 11:29-32 The Belly of a Whale. How often do we have plans, maybe golfing, and it is pouring down rain? Who
March 10, 2025, Matthew 25: 31-46 Jesus Incognito. You may remember this story. Mother Teresa of Calcutta wrote, “One of our novices came from
March 9, 2025, Luke 41-13 Do I Or Don’t I? There’s a stop sign on a busy street near our rectory, 70th Ave. and
Blessed Antonio Rosmini Spiritual Calendar October 1
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.
Spiritual Calendar
A Thought for Each Day of the Year
By Blessed Antonio Rosmini
October 1
Let us deem ourselves very fortunate if, by a singular favor of the Blessed Virgin, we should obtain, through the Rosary, only this: the grace to live in a way that will be pleasing to Jesus and Mary; the grace to turn all our worldly successes and prospects to our Lord’s glory and our own salvation; the grace to bear our crosses and tribulations with fortitude; the grace to be so united with Christ here below – now on Tabor, now in Gethsemane, now on the Mount of Olives – that, taking our cross on our shoulders, we may go by the road of Calvary to our imperishable crown.
Predicazione, Milano 1843. p. 312
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