5th Week in Ordinary Time, February 10, 2023

Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Friday, 5th Week in Ordinary Time, February 10, 2023
Mark 7: 31-37 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/021023.cfm

His Real Presence?

How much time in a day do you get to know Jesus? Have you ever noticed you spend much time with your closest friends in person, texting, or on the phone? You share what has been happening since the last time you spoke.

I was thinking about who I spend a lot of time with when I read people brought this deaf man with a speech impediment to Jesus. Why didn’t he walk to Jesus himself? He was deaf, not lame.

It may be that he didn’t know Jesus or didn’t have any faith at all. So, Jesus does something he doesn’t usually do – he takes the man away to get to know him. Knowing Jesus, loving Jesus always comes before a healing or miracle. More than just healing the man of his illness, Jesus wanted a relationship with him that would last long after he left the area.

Just think, this man would not have a relationship with the Lord if his friends didn’t bring him to Jesus. We know people like that. It’s so easy to sit with Jesus before the Blessed Sacrament and let him bring to mind someone whom he wants to get to know.

Gospel Challenge:
As far as Jesus goes, sitting with him in the Blessed Sacrament is no different than the people bringing the man to Jesus; he is truly present for us to bring him, anyone. Let the love in your heart for someone be the introduction Jesus needs to get to know them so he can heal them and save them.


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC

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