3 December, 2022 14:32

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for 2nd Sunday in Advent 12-04-2023

Matthew 3:1-12 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/120422.cfm

John the Baptist Is a Great Witness

Bad habits are easy to pick up, and they can be harder even to change. One day I can go out and have a great game of golf when everything is clicking, and I can go out the next time and wonder what happened to my swing. If it continues, it’s time to see the pro to show me what I am doing wrong. It is incredible how a slight adjustment can make a world of difference.

We can get into slumps with God as easily as we do in a sport. John the Baptist can be our pro in our walk with Jesus. John purposely fasted in the desert to avoid the distractions in the world. Craving for stuff became cravings for God. And did God ever satisfy those cravings?

John grew closer to the Lord and brought maybe thousands of people with him. People saw and heard John the Baptist, but they met Jesus in everything he did. I wonder if the people John baptized followed his witness to draw closer to God.

Did they go back home and say, “What are we going to sacrifice so God can be with us like He is with John?”

Gospel Challenge:

What am I going to do when I get home today from Mass? The same old, same old? Or are things going to change?

Ignite the Fire

Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.


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