I feel like a parent losing their child to the world of drugs or free sex, or if it feels good, just do it. All the values of our faith are forgotten in this world today. It’s a world where family life is no longer a value to be treasured. Marriage is what you make of it.
It’s like Martha and Mary losing their brother Lazarus to death. But this time, it’s spiritual death. When a person loses a relationship with Jesus, it is common to no longer believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in his Body and Blood, so why worship what you don’t believe? Thus, the Mass exodus.
Jesus asked Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in Me, even if he dies, will live, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” Then he asks her a personal question, “Do you believe this?”
Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth. Yet He leaves Himself vulnerable to each person to decide if they believe in Him. For example, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and gave him back to his family. Think of someone in your life who has abandoned the Catholic faith in Jesus.
You believe in Jesus like Martha. Using Martha’s words, tell Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now, I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you.”
Now listen to Jesus’ response, “Your brother will rise.” Listen to those words every time you think and pray for someone who no longer believes and practices the Catholic faith.
March 13, 2025, Matthew 7:7-12 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/031325.cfm Ask, Don’t Tell. Have you ever been asked to stand up and share something with a group of people,
March 12, 2025, Luke 11:29-32 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/031225.cfm The Belly of a Whale. How often do we have plans, maybe golfing, and it is pouring down rain? Who
March 10, 2025, Matthew 25: 31-46 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/031025.cfm Jesus Incognito. You may remember this story. Mother Teresa of Calcutta wrote, “One of our novices came from
March 9, 2025, Luke 41-13 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/030925.cfm Do I Or Don’t I? There’s a stop sign on a busy street near our rectory, 70th Ave. and
28 July, 2022 19:56
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Saints Martha Mary and Lazarus 07-29-2022
Saints Martha Mary and Lazarus 2022
John 11:19-27 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/072922.cfm
I feel like a parent losing their child to the world of drugs or free sex, or if it feels good, just do it. All the values of our faith are forgotten in this world today. It’s a world where family life is no longer a value to be treasured. Marriage is what you make of it.
It’s like Martha and Mary losing their brother Lazarus to death. But this time, it’s spiritual death. When a person loses a relationship with Jesus, it is common to no longer believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in his Body and Blood, so why worship what you don’t believe? Thus, the Mass exodus.
Jesus asked Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in Me, even if he dies, will live, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” Then he asks her a personal question, “Do you believe this?”
Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth. Yet He leaves Himself vulnerable to each person to decide if they believe in Him. For example, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and gave him back to his family. Think of someone in your life who has abandoned the Catholic faith in Jesus.
You believe in Jesus like Martha. Using Martha’s words, tell Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now, I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you.”
Now listen to Jesus’ response, “Your brother will rise.” Listen to those words every time you think and pray for someone who no longer believes and practices the Catholic faith.
Father Rick Pilger, I.C.
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