17th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 30, 2023

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 30, 2023, Matthew 13:44-46

The Greatest Treasure!

When has the kingdom of God just grabbed you and filled you with so much excitement that nothing else seemed important? I remember traveling to Chicago from Peoria, Illinois, on a train with members of the Knights of Columbus in the nineteen eighties. We were so excited we were going to see Pope John Paul II.

When we arrived, and the crowd started gathering, we found ourselves in a sea of over a million people. It dawned on me that we were there because we all loved Jesus. I thanked Him for giving us this saint, John Paul II.

He was not declared a saint at the time, but the presence of Jesus flowed through his love for our Lord and us like a waterfall into my heart, and it stayed with me through thick and thin.

It doesn’t matter what is happening, good or bad, happy or sad; I thank God for knowing his Son is with me. The prayer, “Jesus, I surrender myself to you. Take care of everything,” brings calm to my mind and peace to my heart so many times during the day.

My friends, the Kingdom of God is the Presence of Jesus in us and with us. He became a real person to me in events like meeting Pope John Paul II in Chicago. Times like these are like the treasure in the field we stumble upon by accident. Other times, we spend much time and effort searching for His Presence, like the pearl of great price.

Gospel Challenge:

Whatever way Jesus becomes our greatest love, when we meet Him, nothing in this world can compare to a moment of being in His embrace. Do you know why? Because that moment is eternal, we never have to want more because we have it all.

Peace everyone.


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC

Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.


Blessed Sacrament Church

11565 66th Ave. N.

Seminole, FL 33772




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