Holy Triduum Schedule

Holy Thursday – No Morning Mass. Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 6:30 pm. Adoration following until 9:00pm Good Friday – No Morning Mass, Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion at 3:00pm Holy Saturday – No Morning Mass. Vigil in the Holy Night of Easter at 8:00pm Easter Sunday – The Resurrection of the […]

Catholic Ministry Appeal

As God’s people, we are called to simply love one another. You can show this love through your contributions to the Catholic Ministry Appeal. #catholicministryappeal

Catholic Ministry Appeal Update

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. Your gift to the Catholic Ministry Appeal is the light that someone needs. so let your light shine. #catholicministryappeal

Catholic Ministry Appeal Update

Your gift to the Catholic Ministry Appeal will help spiritually feed our children. Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. – Matthew 19:14 #catholicministryappeal

Knights of Columbus Car Show

The Knights recently hosted their first annual car show and it was a huge success. Over 90 cars participated in the show. Congratulations Knights on this community event.

Catholic Ministry Appeal

Even the strongest among us need support. Your gifts to the Catholic Ministry Appeal are used to nurture our priests so we have strong shepherds to lead us. #catholicministryappeal

Catholic Ministry Appeal

The Catholic Ministry Appeal helps to keep our faith active and alive. Your contributions will make a difference in our parish, diocese and community. #catholicministryappeal

Catholic Ministry Appeal

Burdens are not as heavy when they are shared. We can lighten the load together through the Catholic Ministry Appeal. Isaiah 58:10 states that we are to open our hearts to those in need and offer them a light at the end of the tunnel when everything feels impossible. “If you open your heart to the […]

Catholic Ministry Appeal

Just as you are a light, our Catholic Ministry Appeal is a light for all who rely on the ministries of our Church. Without your support, we can’t reach those who need Christ’s light to see.  With your help, we can increase our impact, draw our neighbors into God’s house, and help your local church burn brightly. You […]