Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Guardian Angels
October 2, 2024, Matthew 18: 1-5, 10, What a Companion. Wow! Since the early church, we have believed that a personal angel is given to every human being to guard their bodily and spiritual well-being. This gift is independent of the state of a person’s soul, whether or not they are in a state of […]
Fr. Rick’s Gospel Reflection for Monday 26th Week in Ordinary Time
October 1, 2024, Luke 9:46-50 Rivalry Rivalry can be a good thing.It brings out a player’s talents and abilities hidden within the player.Sports announcers play up this rivalry between two teams, often mentioning past games or pennant races to get the fans riled up. And it works. The disciples had a rivalry going among […]
Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Friday, 25th Week in Ordinary Time
September 27, 2024, Luke 9:18-22 How Much Do I Love Jesus? There are many ways to see a person, from social to profoundly intimate relationships. We can also know a lot about a person, but that doesn’t mean we know them personally. We know the difference between reading a biography about a person, meeting that […]
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily Thursday 25th Week in Ordinary Time
September 26, 2024, Luke 9:7-9 Conscience And The Voice Of The Lord Sports have referees and umpires. Courts of law have judges. When presented with the facts of a case, they make unbiased decisions. They save teams and society so much turmoil so life can go on. And for the very same reason, God […]
Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Wednesday, 25th Week in Ordinary Time
September 27, 2023, Luke 9:1-6 Have No Fear to Hold the Pain of Another in Your Heart. How many times have dictators risen and fallen in our world? They use their authority to bully their people into subhuman existence. And should anyone oppose these dictators? They make their authority felt! Some dictators come […]
Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Tuesday, 25th Week in Ordinary Time
September 24, 2024, Luke 8:19-21 Jesus Is Always Speaking To Us. It’s mysterious to me, but sometimes, I hear a voice inside of me telling me to do something. Other times, a thought keeps coming back to me to call somebody, visit somebody, or pray for someone. I am a slow learner, but I […]
Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Monday, 25th Week in Ordinary Time
September 34, 2024, Luke 8:16-18 My Two Dads When I was five or six, my Dad added a bathroom to our house. He had the foundation completed, and the brick was about three feet high. He told me not to play there, but did I listen? He went into the house for lunch and […]
Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 22, 2024, Mark 8:27-35 Identity – Who Are You? Identity theft is a big problem today. Companies are constantly trying to keep ahead of thieves. My heart goes out to people who lose everything to a thief. There is another identity far more important than the information we have about ourselves and our […]
Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Feast of St. Matthew, Apostle
September 21, 2024, Matthew 9:9-13 Dancing with Jesus. It is not hard to imagine Peter carrying his load of fish from his boat to the tax collector’s booth. He’s been out all night in a rocking boat fighting the elements. Yet, this man is sitting here doing nothing but taking his money and too much […]
Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Friday, 24th Week in Ordinary Time
September 20, 2024, Luke 8:1-3 Jesus Attracts Opposites Every parish has different levels of commitment to Jesus and the Church. There is an old understanding of the Church that worked for centuries but now needs to change. In short, some people see the clergy, religious, and some laity as gifted to “do everything.” They see […]