Wednesday 16th Week in Ordinary Time July 24, 2024

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Wednesday 16th Week in Ordinary Time July 24, 2024, Matthew 13:1-9 Jesus and the Draft. Drafts play a big part in sports. Colleges recruit high school students who excel in talent and ability. Coaches and managers consider a student’s passion and work ethic when drafting a number one […]

Tuesday 16th Week in Ordinary Time July 23, 2024

Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Tuesday 16th Week in Ordinary Time July 23, 2024, Matthew 12:46-50 A Second Mom! When I was a little kid growing up, I would hang out with the couple who had no children. She became like a second mother to me. Georgie and Charlie were strong Christians who were […]

Feast of St. Mary Magdalene July 22, 2024

Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene July 22, 2024, John 20:1-2; 11-18, Go To The Tomb! Something I always do when I am home on vacation is spend a few moments with my loved ones who have died. I notice a sense of reverence overcomes me when driving to […]

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 21, 2024

Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 21, 2024, Mark 6:30-34 We All Need A Deserted Place There are so many pressures in today’s world. Getting caught in traffic to and from work can cause stress. Please think of the wasted energy we carry into our work and family […]

Saturday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time July 20, 2024

Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Saturday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time July 20, 2024, Luke 12:14-21 Meek And Gentle In The Face Of Violence. A huge alarm would go off in our heads if someone threatened to take our life. If possible, we would run, call the police, hide, or some people would defend […]

Friday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time July 19, 2024

Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Friday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time July 19, 2024, Matthew 12:1-8 It Is Hard to Let Go Sometimes. Preparing a couple for marriage is such an exciting ministry. I notice how couples come to let go of long-held family traditions. Parents will sometimes come for a visit. And occasionally, […]

Thursday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time July 18, 2024

Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Thursday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time July 18, 2024, Matthew 11:28-30 Following the Lord Through Difficult Times. Struggles are a part of everyday life. There are challenges everywhere we turn. But did you ever have a day when everything was perfect? (OK. Vocations don’t count. Even then, it can […]

Wednesday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time July 17, 2024

Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Wednesday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time July 17, 2024, Matthew 11:25-27 I Am Not A Mechanic Sometimes, we have a good laugh at ourselves. I remember my first car after ordination. It wasn’t a clunker, but it needed some work. I heard a rattle under the carriage. I thought […]

Wednesday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time July 17, 2024

Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Wednesday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time July 17, 2024, Matthew 11:25-27 I Am Not A Mechanic Sometimes, we have a good laugh at ourselves. I remember my first car after ordination. It wasn’t a clunker, but it needed some work. I heard a rattle under the carriage. I thought […]

Tuesday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time July 16, 2024

Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Tuesday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time July 16, 2024, Matthew 11:20-24 Woe! The words of Jesus, “Woe to you, Chorazin, and Bethsaida,” sound very harsh. But Jesus is giving a concerned warning. It is a fearful warning of what could happen to someone driving in the wrong direction on […]