Blessing of the Animals

Blessing of the Animals Sunday, October 6th at 1:30 p.m., please join your fellow parishioners and their pets for the Blessed Sacrament Annual Blessing of the Animals, on the lawn in front of the rectory. Your leashed or crated pets will be blessed by our Pastor, Fr. Rick and they will also receive a St. […]

Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily Friday, 26th Week in Ordinary Time      

October 4, 2024, Luke 10:13-16 Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi | USCCB When our hearts change after an encounter with Jesus,We will never forget Him. The word “woe” that Jesus uses in today’s Gospel is not a warning as much as a cry from deep within his heart. I wonder how many times St. Francis […]

Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily Thursday, 26th Week in Ordinary Time 

October 4, 2024, Luke 10:1-12 We All Have The Gift To Share The Good News.  There is a story of a priest who told a seminarian that the day had come for him to learn the art of preaching. So after they got up and said their prayers, the lad had pen and paper in […]

Disaster Relief Fund

Bishop Parkes will send aid after an assessment of the damage is made. Please promote the Diocese of Saint Petersburg Disaster Relief Fund wherever possible. Please do not promote or accept donations from the following: ·    PayPal ·    GoFundMe ·    Venmo These types of payments go into the individuals’ accounts who set them up, and lack key safety and anti-fraud […]

Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Guardian Angels  

 October 2, 2024, Matthew 18: 1-5, 10, What a Companion. Wow!   Since the early church, we have believed that a personal angel is given to every human being to guard their bodily and spiritual well-being. This gift is independent of the state of a person’s soul, whether or not they are in a state of […]

Fr. Rick’s Gospel Reflection for Monday 26th Week in Ordinary Time

October 1, 2024, Luke 9:46-50 Rivalry Rivalry can be a good thing.It brings out a player’s talents and abilities hidden within the player.Sports announcers play up this rivalry between two teams, often mentioning past games or pennant races to get the fans riled up. And it works.  The disciples had a rivalry going among […]

Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for the 26th Sunday of the Year B

September 26, 2024, Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 Honey Attracts More than Sugar. The few verses in today’s gospel give us a little insight into the minds and hearts of the disciples. You can hear the smugness, a hint of arrogance in that statement, “We saw someone driving out demons in your name, and we […]

Diocese of Saint Petersburg Assessing Damage from Hurricane Helene

After Hurricane Helene brought historic amounts of storm surge to West Central Florida, leaders of the Diocese of Saint Petersburg are assessing how employees, school families, and community members are managing the aftermath. Diocesan leaders are surveying schools, parish properties, and rectories to see what damage has occurred and what assistance is needed. We have […]

Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Friday, 25th Week in Ordinary Time

September 27, 2024, Luke 9:18-22 How Much Do I Love Jesus? There are many ways to see a person, from social to profoundly intimate relationships. We can also know a lot about a person, but that doesn’t mean we know them personally.     We know the difference between reading a biography about a person, meeting that […]

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily Thursday 25th Week in Ordinary Time

September 26, 2024, Luke 9:7-9  Conscience And The Voice Of The Lord  Sports have referees and umpires. Courts of law have judges. When presented with the facts of a case, they make unbiased decisions. They save teams and society so much turmoil so life can go on.   And for the very same reason, God […]