Youth Ministry

Blessed Sacrament has a vibrant Youth Ministry program for our teens! Its mission is to connect the youth of our parish, regardless of their school setting, and to learn, celebrate, and serve as members of the Catholic Community and to grow in a closer relationship with Christ. The High School and Middle School students will learn how their faith and talents enrich their lives and the lives of those they meet. We have so many exciting things on our calendar and in the planning process! Here is a glimpse of what we offer:
Sunday High School Meetings
Meeting times and places will vary. Contact the Parish Office.
Middle School Challenge Ministry for Girls Grades 5-8
Meeting most Saturdays from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm in the Parish Center Youth Room!
Middle School Conquest Ministry for Boys Grades 5-8
Meeting most Saturdays from 6:00pm to 7:30pm in the Parish Center Youth Room!
There are many opportunities for the teens to serve others in the parish or to use their God given talents and abilities. We encourage the teens to participate in Mass through singing, playing instruments, being a greeter or usher or helping with the VBS K4J program.
We hold various fundraisers during the year to raise money for our summer trip and other expenses throughout the year.
High School Winter & Summer Trips
The 2020 Winter Event this year will be the March For Life in Washington D.C. and a Summer Work Retreat at the Good Samaritan Project in 2020!
If you are a parent of a teen, now is the time to get your teen involved! Help them to realize that this is THEIR parish and THEIR faith (not just yours) and they have a mission and a responsibility to live it and share it with others. If you are a parishioner without teenagers, please consider supporting the Youth Ministry by attending their fundraisers, donating money to help sponsor a teen, and most importantly, please offer your prayers for the youth of our parish and for the youth ministers and volunteers who minister to them. Pray that we may all discern and follow God’s will in our lives and spread His gospel through not just our words, but our actions as well.
To be added to the email list for updates and a calendar of events, please send your request with your name, teen’s name, age and grade via email at
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