Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily -12-09-2021

Thursday of the Second Week in Advent. Matthew 11: 11- 15    VIOLENCE – IS THERE ANOTHER WAY?   Wouldn’t you say that most people in America wonder when the violence will end? Or, at least slow down a bit. The news is full of it. Jesus even says, “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of heaven […]

12/8/2021 – Immaculate Conception

The Immaculate Conception is a Catholic dogma that states that Mary, whose conception was brought about the normal way, was conceived without original sin or its stain. That’s what “immaculate” means: without stain. It’s important to understand what the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception is and what it is not. Some people think the term […]

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily – 12-07-2021

Wednesday, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Luke 18:12-14 “I AM the handmaid of the Lord.” Sports have always been a part of my life. I remember going to St. Mary’s School diamond every night growing up. The neighborhood kids, 15 or so, would pick teams and start our game. I […]

12/7/2021 – St. Ambrose

Saint Ambrose, also known as Aurelius Ambrosius, is one of the four original doctors of the Church. He was the Bishop of Milan and became one of the most important theological figure of the 4th century. Ambrose was born around 340 AD to a Roman Christian family. He grew up with his siblings, Satyrus and […]

12/6/2021 – St. Nicholas

The great veneration with which St. Nicholas has been honored for many ages and the number of altars and churches all over the world that are dedicated in his memory are testimonials to his wonderful holiness and the glory he enjoys with God. As an episcopal see, and his childhood church falling vacant, the holy […]

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily – 12-07-2021

LOST AND STUCK   In my first assignment in Galesburg, IL, I was chaplain of the city and county police departments. I road most nights with them. I noticed so many children walking the streets at night, wandering around like they were lost. And they were. For a variety of reasons, these children were runaways. These kids road […]

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily – 12-06-2021

 Monday 2nd Week of Advent   Luke 5:17-26  INTERRUPTIONS – ARE THEY REALLY A NUISANCE?  Paradise. Imagine for a moment having several projects you wish to accomplish. They all were completed with no interruptions at the end of the day. Wouldn’t that be a little bit of paradise? Sometimes we find ourselves in the middle of […]

12/5/2021 – St. Sabas

Sabas was born at Mutalaska, Cappadocia, near Caesarea. He was the son of an army officer there who when assigned to Alexandria, left him in the care of an uncle. Mistreated by his uncle’s wife, Sabas ran away to another uncle, though he was only eight. When the two uncles became involved in a lawsuit […]

Fr. Rick’s Minute Homily – 12-05-2021

 Sunday 2nd Week of Advent Luke 3:1-6  THE DESERT  John the Baptist goes into the desert to find Jesus in you and in me. So, the desert really isn’t a dreadful thing, and that is if my heart remains a desert, waiting for Jesus. So, think of your daily life as a desert. Maybe look at your schedule and […]