Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Monday – 12-20-2021

 Monday of the Fourth Week in Advent    Luke 1:26-38 –  WHAT IS YOUR IMPOSSIBLE THAT ONLY GOD CAN DO TODAY? My cousin, Fr. Dick Horvath, God rest his soul, was a diocesan priest. A priest like Fr. Dick was all I wanted to be from the 6th grade on. The direction of my life changed […]

12/19/2021 – Bl. Urban V

In 1362, the man elected pope declined the office. When the cardinals could not find another person among them for that important office, they turned to a relative stranger: the holy person we honor today. The new Pope Urban V proved a wise choice. A Benedictine monk and canon lawyer, he was deeply spiritual and […]

12/18/2021 – St. Flannan

St. Flannan 7th. cent. bishop. Son of an Irish chieftain, Turlough he made a pilgrimage to Rome where Pope John IV consecrated him. On his return he became first bishop of Killaloe and also preached in the Hebrides. His feast day is December 18th.

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Saturday – 12-18-2021

 Saturday of the Third Week in Advent Matthew 1:18-25  PRAY FOR ASHLEY “GOD IS WITH US!”  We all have people we pray for every day. The closer we are to the person, the more intense our prayer is. I heard yesterday from a friend that a mommy and daddy are expecting the birth of their […]

12/17/2021 – St. Olympias

Olympias born into a wealthy noble Constantinople family. She was orphaned when a child and was given over to the care of Theodosia by her uncle, the prefect Procopius. She married Nebridius, also a prefect, was widowed soon after, refused several offers of marriage, and had her fortune put in trust until she was thirty […]

12/16/2021 – St. Adelaide

Born c. 931 in Burgandy, St. Adelaide married, at 15 or 16, Lothair of Italy to whom her father had engaged her when she was two. When Lothair died three years later, his successor and usurper Berengar of Ivrea imprisoned Adelaide and attempted to force her to marry his son. Legends tell of Adelaide’s escape […]

Fr. Rick’s Three Minute Homily for Friday – 12-17-2021

Fr. Rick’s Three Minute Homily for Friday – 12-17-2021Friday of the Third Week in Advent Matthew 1:1-17 GRANDPARENTS, GREAT GRANDPARENTS, GREAT-GREAT-GRANDPARENTS………….. Grandparents Day at our school is so much fun. The whole school gathers in the parish center in the morning for a welcome, followed by lots of fun and activities. I love going over […]

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Thursday – 12-16-2021

Thursday of the Third Week in Advent   “A SHOWER MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN HOW YOU FEEL?”  Sponge baths are great the first couple of days, and it might be bothersome if you need help, but it is refreshing. What a difference when you can step under that shower and wash your hair, lather up […]

12/15/2021 – St. Nino

Virgin and the Apostle of Georgia, also listed as Christiana. According to custom, she was born in Cappadocia and became a slave. Taken to Iberia, she won the respect of many locals with her patience and goodness and by the miracles she supposedly performed. Brought to the royal palace, she converted the king and queen […]

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Wednesday – 12-15-2021

Fr. Rick One Minute Homily for Wednesday – 12-15-2021Wednesday of the Third Week in Advent Luke 7:18b-23 – “ARE WE TO WAIT FOR ANOTHER? There are moments in our journey with the Lord when He seems so near. Everything in life runs like a well-oiled machine, and it’s like you can’t miss. Then there are […]