1/3/2022 – St. Genevieve

St. Genevieve was a fair and courageous peasant girl who was born around 422 in Nanterre, France, to a man named Severus and a woman named Gerontia. When Genevieve was only seven-years-old, St. Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre visited Nanterre on his way to Britain. While he was there, many people flocked to receive his blessing. […]

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Monday – 01-03-2022 Monday after Epiphany

Matthew 2:12-17. 23-25 – https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/010322.cfm WHAT CAN I PROCLAIM? When we hear the words, “Proclaim the Gospel,” many, maybe a majority, think that we are not capable of such a task. Leave it to the pros, the clergy and catechists, and believe me, that is not the case. Here is why. The Gospel that Jesus […]

1/2/2022 – St. Fulgentius

Bishop of Ruspe, Tunisia, and a friend of St. Augustine. Born Fabius Claudius Gordianus Fulgentius of Carthage, he was a Roman of senatorial rank. His mother, widowed, opposed Fulgentius’ religious career, but he became a monk. He became abbot with Felix but had to flee the monastery in 499 when Vandals or Numidians invaded, going […]

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Sunday – 01-02-2022 Epiphany of the Lord

Matthew 2:1-12 – https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/010222.cfm    HEROD AND THE WISE MEN – DIRECTION TELLS THE WHOLE STORY It is easy to see the contrast between King Herod and the Wise Men in the gospel. It is true that both were single-minded but were going in different directions. Herod followed a star as well, himself. He was his […]

1/1/2022 – Circumcision of the Lord

In submitting to the Law of Circumcision, Our Lord signifies that He is the fullness and the completion of the Old Covenant. St. Paul says, in the Epistle Lesson read on the Feast: For in [Jesus] the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have come to fullness of life in Him, Who is […]

12/31/2021 – St. Melania

St. Melania whose feast day is December 31. Melania was born to wealthy Christians, Publicola, a Roman senator, and Albina. At fourteen, she was given in marriage to Valerius Pinianus. When two of her children died soon after childbirth, her husband agreed to lead a life of continency and religious dedication.

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Friday – 12 – 24 –2021

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Friday – 12 – 24 –2021Christmas Mass at NightJohn 1:1-18 – https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/123121.cfm   WHEN DID JESUS BECOME YOUR BEST FRIEND? Much of my childhood and teenage years were spent doing all I could to “Be Good for God.” I often failed because it was more about me and trying to […]

12/30/2021 – St. Anysia

Martyr of Greece. She was a wealthy woman of Salonika, in Thessaly, who used her personal funds to aid the poor. A soldier accosted her in the street and tried to drag her to a pagan sacrifice. Anysia resisted and was killed when the soldier attacked her with his sword.

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily Thursday, 12-30-2021

6th Day in the Octave of Christmas Luke 2:36-40  – https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/123021.cfm    1 out of 168 ISN’T MUCH, BUT IT IS POWERFUL.  Playing the odds is very popular with some people. It is a big business in sports, the market, and gambling challenges people to “beat the odds.” I heard that only 2 percent of people who […]