Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Saturday– 01-08-2022

Saturday after Epiphany     Luke 5:12-16 –       WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER WORTHWHILE? Some things you hear strikes you to the core, and you never forget them. Father Eric Doyle taught us the Theology of Grace in the seminary. Our final exam was oral. When I sat down in front of him, he held my hands […]

1/7/2022 – St. Lucian

Theologian, scholar, and martyr praised by Sts. John Chrysostom and Jerome. A scriptural scholar from Samosata, Lucian studied at Edessa and was ordained at Antioch as a presbyter. He authored many works on the Bible and Church doctrine, and his writings were so respected that St. Jerome used Lucian for his own scholarly endeavors. Little […]

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Friday– 01-07-2022

Friday after Epiphany   Luke 5:12-16 –     JESUS REACHED OUT HIS HAND AND TOUCHED (THE LEPER). My sister Bev and her husband Tom had a timeshare, and we used it to go to Hawaii many years ago. I remember looking across the waters to the island of Molokai. It was known as the island of lepers. […]

1/6/2022 – Epiphany of our Lord

Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Epiphany. “The Lord and ruler is coming; kingship is his, and government and power.” With these words, the Church proclaims that today’s feast brings to a perfect fulfillment all the purposes of Advent. Epiphany, therefore, marks the liturgical zenith of the Advent-Christmas season. — Pius Parsch

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Thursday– 01-06-2022

Thursday after Epiphany   Luke 4:14-22 –      NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS – ONE TO KEEP. Have you ever kept a New Year’s resolution? Have you ever made one and broken it. Commitment is the key. How much of a priority is it to you? Is it enough to make a change in your lifestyle? If diet […]

1/5/2022 – St. Simeon the Stylite

As a thirteen-year-old shepherd of Sisan, Turkey, Simeon heard a Gospel reading of the Beatitudes that greatly affected him. Entering a nearly monastery, he learned all the Psalms by heart and began to manifest the extraordinary spirit of self-denial that was to become a hallmark of his spirituality. Thereafter Simeon lived as a hermit. In […]

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Wednesday – 01-05-2022, Wednesday after Epiphany

Mark 45-52 – WE ARE NEVER ALONE Over 900 people are moving into Florida every day. The housing industry is booming, and rental prices are soaring. I have a nephew who can’t find a place to rent for 6 months. He is thinking of going back to California, where he can live. He told […]

1/4/2022 – St. Titus

A disciple and companion of St. Paul to whom the great saint addressed one of his letters. Paul referred to Titus as “my true child in our common faith”. Not mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, he was noted in Galatians where Paul writes of journeying to Jerusalem with Barnabas, accompanied by Titus. He […]

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Tuesday – 01-04-2022, Tuesday after Epiphany

Mark 6: 34-44 – ONE AND THE SAME HEART FOR PEOPLE. When was the last time you were moved with pity for someone? Think back to that moment someone’s suffering stabbed you in the middle of your heart like you couldn’t help it. Your compassion for them may have even shocked you. A dear […]