Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Thursday – 01-13-2022

Thursday 1st Week in Ordinary Time 2022  Mark 1: 40-45     OUR WISH VS JESUS’ “I DO.”   Go back to when you were a kid. It’s your birthday. You watch Mom light the candles on your birthday cake, and everybody starts singing happy birthday to you. And then you hear those words, “Make a wish […]

1/12/2022 – St. Aelred

St. Aelred of Rievaulx (1109-1167) early showed signs of promise. The son of Eilaf, a Saxon priest, Aelred was educated at Roxburgh, the ancient Scottish capital, where he was known for his intellectual talents. The DNB notes that as a child, Aelred prophesied the death of a bad archbishop of York; the DNB notes also […]

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Wednesday – 01-12-2022

Wednesday 1st Week in Ordinary Time 2022    Mark 1:29-39        IMMEDIATELY, DROP EVERYTHING, NO MESSING AROUND. Every day we hear about Covid. After Christmas family gatherings, we see hundreds of people lining up to get tested. Many times, it’s just a passing thought. What a difference when we know someone who has Covid and is sick. […]

1/11/2022 – St. Theodosius

bbot and founder. Born at Garissus, Cappadocia (modern Turkey), in 423, he undertook a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and after meeting with the famed St. Simeon Stylites, he entered a monastery. Later, he was named the head of a church between Jerusalem and Bethlehem, but departed to live as a hermit near the Dead Sea. As […]

Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Tuesday – 01-04-2022

Tuesday after Epiphany   Mark 6: 34-44 –   ONE AND THE SAME HEART FOR PEOPLE.  When was the last time you were moved with pity for someone? Think back to that moment someone’s suffering stabbed you in the middle of your heart like you couldn’t help it. Your compassion for them may have even shocked you. […]

1/9/2022 – St. Julian and Basilissa

Martyr with Anastasius, Anthony, Basilissa, Celsus, Marcionilla, and companions. Julian and Basilissa were married and used their home as a Christian hospital for the poor. Anthony was a priest, and Anastasius was a new convert. Marcionilla was the mother of young Celsus. They were martyred at Antioch.

12/10/2022 – St. William

St. William of Rochester is patron of adopted children. Also known as St. William of Perth, he was born in Scotland. Little is known of his youth except that he was wild. A baker, he dedicated himself to God and was sure to leave aside every 10th loaf of bread for the poor. Attending daily […]

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Monday – 01-10-2022

Monday 1st Week in Ordinary Time 2022   Mark 1:15-20 –          SNAKES AND FOG CAN BE DANGEROUS. We really must give a hand to our firefighters. They find themselves in the most dangerous situations. I was watching on TV a rattlesnake handler teaching firefighters how to manage snakes when they come across them. They wanted […]

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Baptism of the Lord– 01-09-2022

Baptism of the Lord Luke 3:15-16; 21-22 –         THE HOLY SPIRIT AND FIRE. The people of California and recently Colorado are enduring the tragedy of fire. It grips my heart when I see people going back to their homes and finding nothing but ashes. I remember driving through Washington, Illinois, after a tornado. People were […]

1/8/2022 – Sr. Syncletica

St Syncletica was a wealthy Macedonian woman in Alexandria who gave away everything she owned and lived for the rest of her life as a recluse in an unused burial chamber. She died at 84 of cancer after four years of suffering. Memorial Day January 5.