Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Monday – 02-28-2022

Monday 8 th Week in Ordinary Time 2022Luke 10:17-27 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/022822.cfmWHEN A CHALLENGE COMES ALONG, DON’T LET THE FIRE GO OUT.A challenge we accept and work on sets the fire in us ablaze. The biggest challenge inmy life was accepting the position of pastor of Blessed Sacrament Church and School inobedience. I say “in obedience” because […]

Father Rick’s Three Minute Homily for Sunday – 02-27-2022

8 th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022  Luke 6: 39-45 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/022722.cfm  YOU CAN’T FAKE GOODNESS. Every once in a while, I have the fortune to see goodness in a person. For example,during Catholic Schools Week a few weeks back, all the school children were outsidewaving big red hearts on a stick while our priests rode by in […]

Carnival This Weekend

Come support the Blessed Sacrament Catholic School and enjoy entertainment, food, rides and this beautiful day.

Aid to the People of Ukraine

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Various Catholic agencies are collecting donations to aid with the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, as people flee to escape Russian bombing and shelling. In the United States, that is through Catholic Relief Services: https://bit.ly/3LWtOKa. Internationally, you can donate through https://www.caritas.org/. The Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia also has a link: https://ukrarcheparchy.us/donate. Two pontifical agencies also […]

Catholic Ministry Appeal

We have heard great stories about people wanting to be a part of the Catholic Ministry Appeal.  One family told us their young son was so inspired that he took $50 of his OWN money to contribute. Together we all make a difference. 

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily Friday – 02-25-2022

Friday 7th Week in Ordinary Time 2022 Matthew:10-12 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/022522.cfm THE BEST OF TIMES – THE WORST OF TIMES What an exciting time when a couple is engaged and comes to me to prepare them for Marriage. The Church provides a 6-month preparation for couples to grow in the Presence of Christ for better or worse, richer […]

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily Wednesday – 02-23-2022

Wednesday 7th Week in Ordinary Time 2022Matthew 9:38-40 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/022322.cfm US AND THEM “Growing up is hard to do,” I remember that song by Ginger and the Snaps. Being a grown-up is hard to do as well. Perhaps you knew a bully or bullies in school. They pick on one or two kids, which is devastating […]

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily Tuesday – 02-22-2022

Tuesday Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Apostle 2022Matthew 16:13-19 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/022222.cfm THE ROCK WITHIN ME YOU. A majority of us have taken vows. Perhaps you have taken a vow in marriage to God and your spouse. I have taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience to Jesus and my religious community. I took a […]