Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Tuesday of Holy Week 2022 – 04-12-2022

https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/041222.cfm JUDAS OR PETER  We can go a long time doing something sinful and not give it a second thought. But, please God, most of us will come to our senses before it’s too late, and we can never change our ways.  The first line in today’s gospel hit me between the eyes, “Jesus was […]

Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Monday of Holy Week 2022 – 04-11-2022

https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/041122.cfm Here we are, Monday of Holy Week. Where did those five weeks of Lent go? Please, God, we are all following Jesus a little more than when we received our ashes. I am thinking beyond what we gave up for Lent. Consider the sacrifices we have made to be a better person, spouse, parent, […]

Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Saturday, the 5th Week in Lent – 04-09-2022

https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/040922.cfm “WHO ARE YOU?” The TV show, NCIS, has been popular for years. Forensic science helps solve murder cases. The beginning and end of the show, play a snippet of the song “Who are you” by the Who. It’s a catchy tune that grabs your attention to want to solve the mystery. People wanted to […]

Ave Maria Guild Events

Ministry - Ave Maria Guild

MOM (Month of Mary) Raffle – Tickets are $5.00 and will be sold in the Church Vestibule April 30th – May 14th. Saturday, May 14th, after the 4:30pm mass – Wine and cheese gathering in the Fr. James Gordon Parish Center. Everyone is invited to this FREE social gathering. Proceeds from the event will benefit […]

Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Saturday, the 5th Week in Lent – 04-09-2022

https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/040922.cfm THE DARKNESS GROWS OVER TIME. Driver’s Ed was an experience. First, I had to consciously put my foot on the brake early when approaching a Stop Sign. Then, after a time, I just did it. You know how it takes practice before something we do becomes automatic. The Scribes and Pharisees didn’t wake up […]

Father Rick’s FTwo Minute Homily for Friday the 5th Week in Lent – 04-08-2022

https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/040822.cfm GETTING TO KNOW MY FATHER.  It isn’t hard for me to appreciate what parents experience morning, noon, and night. It’s one thing after another. There isn’t a moment’s rest. “Mommy” calls one child while she is changing a diaper. I experience the same thing without the diapers. I can walk into the office after a […]

Father Rick’s One Minute Homily for Wednesday, the 5th Week in Lent – 04-06-2022

https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/040722.cfm GET TO KNOW MY DAD. I know married couples who cannot have children for one reason or another. Others may have a child or a couple of children. But, they are hungry for more, so they adopt. The preparation and expense are tremendous. But, they don’t mind the sacrifice. I can imagine a child […]

Father Rick’s One Minute Homily for Wednesday, the 5th Week in Lent – 04-06-2022

https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/040622.cfm TRULY FREE, WITH NO CONDITIONS Have you ever bought something and didn’t read the directions. I remember doing this when I was suffering from allergies. I squirted some of the medicine in my nose, and it ran down my throat. It was not pleasant. So I read the directions. Ah. First, tilt your head […]