Eucharistic Procession and Parish Picnic

On Sunday 1/7/2024 there will be an Eucharistic Procession immediately following the 11:30am Mass. Our procession will be around the neighborhood of Blessed Sacrament Church. After the procession, there will be a brief benediction. Following the procession, our Parish will host a picnic, either outside in the ball field or in Parish Center, depending on […]

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

Monday, January 1, is the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. This year, theobligation to attend Mass on this date is abrogated, in accord with the complementary normto canon 1246 §2 confirmed for the dioceses of the United States of America. (USCCB) Mass for this Solemnity will be held at 8:00am.

Catholic Ministry Appeal

There is still time to join the Catholic Ministry Appeal so that our parish light will shine brightly… bright enough to attract those seeking salvation. We are all part of the family by the blood of Christ, who drew all things to himself. God treasures even the most minor acts of love. You can use the QR code here […]

Catholic Ministry Appeal Update

Jesus gives us signs at certain times when we need a moment to pause and know that He is God. One way He is showing Himself in our parish community is through the invitation to contribute to the Catholic Ministry Appeal.

Catholic Ministry Appeal

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. Your gift to the Catholic Ministry Appeal is the light that someone needs. so let your light shine. #catholicministryappeal

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Saturday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time

September 2, 2023, Matthew 25:14-30 What the Master Sees.    Sometimes, I visit people in the hospital who are in tremendous pain. Themorphine barely takes off the edge of their misery. Yet, behind the tears intheir eyes is peace. I experienced peace as soon as I walked into the room.Maybe they don’t recognize how united […]

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Friday, 18th Week in Ordinary Time

August 11, 2023, Matthew 17:24-28 The sacrament of the sick is a powerful encounter with Jesus in areas wesuffer the greatest. Surgery carries its complications and difficulties. It candisrupt our lives, such as losing work and the ability to do the simplestthings for ourselves.  Over time it can cause a lot of frustration, anger, and […]

Catholic Ministry Appeal Update

Burdens are not as heavy when they are shared. We can lighten the load together through the Catholic Ministry Appeal. Isaiah 58:10 states that we are to open our hearts to those in need and offer them a light at the end of the tunnel when everything feels impossible. #catholicministryappeal

Knights of Columbus Update

I just received some great news.  Our Council, 17162, has been awarded the Star Council award and our plaque will arrive in about 3 months.  I want to congratulate the officers, the members, our Worthy DD for a job well done.  A special thank you goes out to our worthy FS, Chris Licata for staying […]