Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time 

March 2, 2025, Matthew 10:24-33

Like the Master – like the Teacher

Have you been drawn to someone in your life and didn’t know why? I experienced that with Sister Dominic, my 2nd grade teacher. It was back when nuns wore the full habit. There was something special about her, so I even offered to help wipe down the blackboards after school.

Another person I felt drawn to was Father Anthony Meredith, director of our house of studies in England. Father Anthony had a way about him that I couldn’t put my finger on, but I later realized that I experienced the presence of Christ in him all the time. The same was true for Sr. Dominic.

What makes them special is what Jesus is getting at in the Gospel.

Every tree is known by its fruit. “A good person out of the store goodness in his heart produces good – for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.” Think of your heart as the core of your very person, your essence, the part of you that makes you unique from every other human being God created.

Jesus is present there in each one of us. He never leaves us, no matter what we do, right or wrong. He loves us from there, no matter what. I know this: if I miss a day away from Him, I think and act out of what I think is best, which means what is best for me.

That is when the wooden beam gets in my eye, so I am blind to what God wants to do for someone. I often don’t even see them or experience their joys or sorrows. But I certainly can see the splinter in their eye and how I allow it to irritate me.

Father Anthony taught me in my formative years that I had to spend time with Jesus every day to allow Him to show me mercifully my faults and weaknesses. Remember, Jesus is “gentle and humble of heart.” They aren’t a threat anymore.

I share them with Jesus in a quiet moment in His Presence, and they are no longer bothersome. This daily communion with Jesus has the power to transform our weaknesses into strengths, giving us hope and inspiration.

If they show up during the day, I feel an alarm inside, warning me not to surrender to those weaknesses.

Gospel Challenge:
I encourage every one of you in the words of St. Teresa of Avila, “We need no wings to go in search of God but have only to find a place where we can be alone and look upon him present within us.”

Find that place in your day when you can be alone with Jesus and let him love you just as you find yourself that day. Our time with Jesus is invaluable; It helps us see how important we are to Him.

“No disciple is superior to the teacher, but when fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher.”

Let’s all train every day.

Love Your Neighbor!

Fr. Rick Pilger, IC  


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