Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Sunday, 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 6, 2024, Mark 10:2-16

“It’s in our DNA.”

Only God would ask us to do something that only He can do: love each other, no matter what.

That is what He asks of people who take vows before Him in marriage, priesthood, and religious life.

I love how Jesus speaks to us like he expects us to “just do it.” 

“a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 

Notice how He finishes, Therefore what God has joined together,  no human being must separate.”

Granted, considering our weak human nature, such a challenge is impossible, but not with God.

He expects us to do the impossible. It’s in our DNA. Of course, it is.

We are His children.

We live in a culture that is becoming more and more godless.

When people lose touch with God for whatever reason, all they have to fall back on is their human resources.

My heart goes out to people who experience pain and difficulties in their relationships, long-standing relationships sometimes.

Our Church has to do the impossible (with the Lord) and welcome those hurting and those who had no choice but to separate from their spouses.

Pray for them and support them with a cup of coffee.

The gospel challenge:
Our young people face so many challenges growing up in today’s society.

Storytelling and sharing how healthy relationships look with our children and grandchildren can be fun.

Ask them to interview you about your marriage, how you met, the challenges you faced, and how God kept your love strong throughout the years.

It can be a powerful witness to them.

They will be all ears.

Love Your Neighbor!

Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.


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