Tuesday 12th Week in Ordinary Time June 25, 2024

Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Tuesday 12th Week in Ordinary Time

June 25, 2024, Matthew 7:6,12-14


Who Are My Friends?

Imagine you received an invitation to a wedding from someone you barely know. You look at it and put it aside, not giving it a second thought. In a day or two, some of your friends are talking about a wedding they are attending. It’s the same wedding on the invitation. They are going, and so are you!

Everything changes when you know you will hang out with some friends. God made us for relationships. Practicing our Catholic faith is no different. Take a moment to reflect on the people you call friends. What is the range of the topics you discuss? Which friends can you speak too quickly about your faith and relationship with Jesus?

The narrow gate refers to people who help me grow in my faith and love for the Lord. I may not feel like helping out with some church events until I know some of my friends will be there. Friends can be a significant influence in my relationship with Jesus.

But I must also consider who I relate to outside the narrow gate. Some of these people do not know the Lord yet. Are any of these friends creating temptations for me that weaken the practice of my Faith in Jesus? It can be a great witness to the Lord when these friends see that I am a person of conviction and will not waiver in my faith.

Gospel Challenge:

Bring each of your friends to the Lord in prayer. Is your heart filled with peace as you think about that friend? If not, pray for them. If yes, thank the Lord for them. Please remember, only the Lord Jesus can convert the human heart. But our prayers and witnesses open the door for the Lord to introduce Himself to them.

Love your neighbor!

Fr. Rick Pilger, IC



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