Saturday, 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, November 12, 2022

Father Rick’s Gospel Reflection for Saturday, 32nd Week in Ordinary Time, November 12, 2022
Luke 18:1-8
Please take a moment to read and pray over the gospel.

Does God have a cell phone?

Cell phones are so convenient. We can do so many things with these little computers, and they can take up a lot of our time. In the gospel, Jesus talks about praying without becoming weary. I was pondering how much I use my cell phone and how much I pray.

When something is pressing us that is important, we never become weary when praying, even when there are stumbling blocks in our way. Nor does it matter how long it takes. Jesus is telling us this is what prayer is like – never giving up, like the lady in the gospel who pestered the judge. He is preparing us to receive His abundance.

I remember how good the candy bar looked when I went to the store with my mom as a little kid. And many times, she said no. Even dad said no when I asked him at home, and I didn’t know what to do. Mom and dad taught me the difference between what I wanted and needed.

God has taught me in prayer that when I don’t get something I pray for, something better is around the corner.

Gospel Challenge:
Let us put aside our agenda when we pray. Come before the Lord with an open mind and heart to receive the best God can give us. Trust Him, and He will act. As the psalmist prays, “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near” (Isaiah 55:6).


God bless you, my friends.
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.

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