Friday, 30th Week in Ordinary Time, October 28, 2022

Fr. Rick’s Gospel Reflection for Friday, 30th Week in Ordinary Time, October 28, 2022
Luke 14: 1-6
Please open your Scriptures and read these verses prayerfully.

A fruit of evangelization – restoring someone’s dignity.

A common understanding of evangelization is going from door to door, asking people if they believe in Jesus. For many of us, that is not our cup of tea. Nor is it what the Church understands by evangelization.

Evangelization involves more than just sharing ideas or philosophies. Spreading the Good News involves our whole person. It follows the example of Jesus in the gospel today.

Jesus did two noteworthy things: The first involved making the most of an ordinary event in his life; the second, He gave dignity to the man with dropsy.

Like Jesus, we evangelize in the very place where we find ourselves in God’s divine providence. You will never have to go far to find a person who needs Jesus and his life-giving love. Seek Him in that person you are with at the time, and you will find Him.

Secondly, treat each person with the greatest sense of dignity. More than healing the man from dropsy, Jesus restored the man’s dignity to the community.

The healing power of Jesus involves more than just a few words in prayer. We have to take time to get to know the person. St. Mother Theresa of Calcutta said, “There are unhappy people everywhere. Not only because they don’t have any bread to eat, but they also hunger for love, understanding, and companionship. They suffer from loneliness, the feeling of being unwanted and rejected, and the poverty of the soul. These things can be far worse than being hungry or not having enough material goods….”

The Gospel Challenge:

Take some time with a person who is hurting inside. They may be angry or depressed, or just sad; it takes time to discover this poverty of the soul. All Jesus needs is a moment of our time to bring a smile to their face and joy to their heart.


God bless you, my friends.
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.

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