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Fr. Rick’s Gospel Reflection for Feast of St. Luke, Evangelist, October 18, 2022
Luke 10:1-9
Please open your Scriptures and read these verses prayerfully.

What can go wrong will go wrong, so it seems.

Have you and those days when everything worked out the way it should? A Day like this is a delight. But there are those days when what can go wrong will go wrong. I’m embarrassed when I get upset over little things. I have to stop and think about so many people experiencing horrible tragedies. I am blessed.

We celebrate the Feast of St. Luke, who wrote the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. God called him to be an apostle, to bring the Good News to the ends of the earth. Guess what? So are we. Really? Yes, indeed, it is true.

How do we become an apostle? It’s simple. We learn only Jesus is Lord over everything in our life, including all the upsets. We deliberately put our trust in Jesus, only Jesus. When we go out like lambs among wolves and state our faith in Jesus, we have no fear and trust He will speak in our words and actions.

When we take no money bag, sack, or sandals, we know Jesus will provide everything without fail. When we greet no one along the way, we are focused so much on Jesus we want nothing else to distract us.

The Gospel Challenge:

When things happen that work against us, we dig deep and find the peace of Jesus in us. I think of His Peace like the blue sky that is always there. However, many clouds come our way, we know Jesus like the blue sky is always with us. Call on Jesus in those moments of frustration. They are your gateway to heaven’s blessings for you and all you minister to as an apostle.


God bless you, my friends.
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.


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