Friday the 21st Week in Ordinary Time 2022

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Friday 21st Weekend Ordinary Time 08-26 -2022
Friday the 21st Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Matthew 25:1-13


I was driving on 75 to Bradenton from Tampa and forgot to look at the gas gauge. And yes, you guessed it, about 2 miles from my exit onto 75, the car sputtered and stopped. It was before cell phones. After I got a ride and called AAA, I found out the door was locked at the next meeting I was to attend because it was over. That was not a fun experience, and I never ran out of gas again.

Jesus used the clever analogy of a wedding feast to warn us to be prepared for his coming. The ten virgins who fell asleep woke at midnight. The groom arrived, and they lit their lamps to welcome him. Five were wise enough to bring extra oil, and the five foolish virgins had no oil to spare. After they bought some, the groom arrived, and the door was shut. The five foolish virgins were locked out.

The oil was a key ingredient to get into the banquet, which lasted for a week in that culture. Again, the oil is our passionate love for Jesus, using the analogy of a wedding. We will do anything and everything it takes for that passion for staying strong all our life. It’s more than a feeling, and it’s a surrender of our will to His will to save us.

That passion, doing things God’s way, not ours, is fed by his holy Sacraments, especially the feast of the Eucharist. We must be worthy, free of all mortal sin, to receive Him. If not, we are off like the foolish virgins doing our own thing, feeling good about Jesus. Our salvation is about a union of wills, not emotion.

The first-century followers of Jesus understood the wedding feast to be the Eucharist. Faithful reception of Jesus every Sabboth and adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament are the oil the wise virgins filled their flasks over a lifetime.

Let’s get back to filling our flasks with the oil of gladness (Psalm 45:7). A good confession is a great start, so we are worthy in His Presence.


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