Thursday 19th Week in Ordinary Time

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Thursday 19th Week in Ordinary Time 08-11-2022

Thursday 19th Week in Ordinary Time 2022

Matthew 18:21:1

Bishop Parkes suffered from an infection in his foot for five years. He tried every treatment imaginable. Finally, his leg had to be amputated from the knee down. Infections stop the healing process, and the patient’s wound only worsens. It is nonsense to do nothing when a proven remedy is available.

The man in today’s gospel did not welcome the mercy shown him by his master. The 10,00 talents he owed in today’s money came to 164,000 days of work or 449 years of labor. I am thinking of the debt Jesus paid on the cross for the debt our sins owed Him. We spend one day of pain our sins cause us, and He pays the other 449 years. That is for each person who repents.

Here is the clincher: what could we ever do to relieve our Lord’s breaking heart for our sins? The amount of mercy God pours into our hearts for one minor fault is so boundless that it could forgive faults committed against us every day for 449 years. So it is nonsense to do nothing when a proven remedy is available.

The Lord’s mercy is a great medicine to heal any infections we continue to carry in our souls. Let’s not cause Jesus, others, and ourselves any more agony by refusing to forgive those who offend us. Jesus makes it so easy for us. Choose mercy every time.


Father Rick Pilger, I.C.

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