When a man and wife are married, it can be hard to let go of long-held family traditions. And when either parent comes over, a couple may often hear, “Well, we always did it like this.” Behind this thought is another thought, “Why would you want to change something that has worked for generations?” But, when both parties realize their relationship is more critical than long-held traditions, things always seem to work out.
The scribes and Pharisees had a difficult time making such adjustments with Jesus. It seemed that they followed Jesus and His disciples around so they could embarrass Him for something. For example, the Pharisees noticed the disciples were picking corn on the Sabbath and complained.
The Pharisees often failed to see that the law of charity trumps every other law, even the Mosaic Law. Again, recall how Jesus combined the two greatest commandments, love of God and love of neighbor. He is present whenever we do good to our neighbors.
So Jesus will always be with us when we deliberately choose to put people before things, even long-standing traditions. Try charity and kindness if something has come between you and someone you used to hold dear in your heart. Seeing Christ in our neighbor supersedes any laws our minds have conjured up. As we sing,
“Where Charity and Love Prevail, There God Is Ever Found” (Composer: Paul Benoit).
January 14, 2025, Mark 1:21-28 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/011425.cfm Who Is My Teacher? By the time our junior and senior years rolled around in high school, we had
January 13, 2025, Mark 1:14-20 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/011325.cfm SNAKES AND FOG CAN BE DANGEROUS. We really must give a hand to our firefighters in Brentwood, California. They
January 12, 2025, Luke 3:15-16, 21-22. https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/011225.cfm I Wonder I wonder what my life would be like if my Mom and Dad didn’t ask the
January 11, 2025, Luke 5:12-16 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/010822.cfm What Do You Consider Worthwhile? Some things you hear strike you to the core, and you never forget them.
Friday 15th Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Friday 15th Week in Ordinary Time 6-15-2021
Friday 15th Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Luke 12:1-8 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/071522.cfm
When a man and wife are married, it can be hard to let go of long-held family traditions. And when either parent comes over, a couple may often hear, “Well, we always did it like this.” Behind this thought is another thought, “Why would you want to change something that has worked for generations?” But, when both parties realize their relationship is more critical than long-held traditions, things always seem to work out.
The scribes and Pharisees had a difficult time making such adjustments with Jesus. It seemed that they followed Jesus and His disciples around so they could embarrass Him for something. For example, the Pharisees noticed the disciples were picking corn on the Sabbath and complained.
The Pharisees often failed to see that the law of charity trumps every other law, even the Mosaic Law. Again, recall how Jesus combined the two greatest commandments, love of God and love of neighbor. He is present whenever we do good to our neighbors.
So Jesus will always be with us when we deliberately choose to put people before things, even long-standing traditions. Try charity and kindness if something has come between you and someone you used to hold dear in your heart. Seeing Christ in our neighbor supersedes any laws our minds have conjured up. As we sing,
“Where Charity and Love Prevail, There God Is Ever Found” (Composer: Paul Benoit).
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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