9 July, 2022 14:43

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Sunday 15th Week in Ordinary Time 6-10-2021
15th Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Luke 10:25-37 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/071022.cfm


“Lord Jesus, help me!” Prayed a priest on his way to a wedding; he was the celebrant. The wedding started in about half an hour. A van full of people was standing on the side of the road and flagged him down. He pulled over, and the sun was blistering hot. They were thirsty and hungry, and they had been there for hours. He was the first person to stop and see what was wrong.

The priest made a call, but like the people in the van knew, there was no answer for help from even a tow truck. He prayed again, “ Lord, what do I do? I have a responsibility to marry this couple. They have a reception, and a hall booked. His head said, ‘Tell the people in the van you will see what you can do and then get to the wedding.’ His heart said they were hot and hungry and thirsty. You can’t just leave them hanging.’ The priest knew it would take more than an hour to get food and water and find a mechanic on a Saturday afternoon.

So, my friends, you are that priest. What would you do? It would be a good discussion around the dinner table.

We know what the priest and Levite in the parable did. They passed by the man beaten and left for dead. The hated Samaritan dropped everything and did all he could to get the man back to health.

So, Jesus asks, is it more significant to fulfill the religious law or offer the salve of human kindness? Both are critical, but the sacred dignity of human life goes ahead of the law.


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC

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