Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Tuesday 6th Week in Easter 2022, 05-2-2022



It doesn’t take much for us to recall a memory when a family member or someone close to us died. The sorrow in our hearts is unbearable. Jesus told the disciples that He was leaving them. If that was me, I would have recalled the three times he predicted His agonizing death. All life would stop, and I would be overwhelmed with this news. It would be too much to bear.

A little later, I would recall that Jesus said He would come back to us and send His Holy Spirit, who would teach us everything we need to know each moment. One time in adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, this happened to me concerning the death of my family members. In an instant, I felt them with me, in my heart. It was incredible. 

Then I realized how this happened. It goes like this: In the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass, the priest, with his hands held over the bread and wine, says, “Send your Holy Spirit upon these gifts to make them holy, that they may become for us the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.” At the consecration, they become Jesus, His Body and 


St. Paul teaches us that the Chruch, us, are the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ is in heaven, including my family and yours. In Holy Communion, the priest or minister holding up Jesus says, “The Body of Christ.” We say, “Amen.” And at that moment, we receive everyone in heaven, including our parents, relatives, and friends. 

At that moment in the chapel, I realized that the Body of Christ, Jesus, the Head, and all the Church members are in my soul. How incredible is Jesus! He comes back to us in Holy Communion, and He brings all our loved ones with Him. They stay with us, and I have found they intercede for us in all that we do. 

When I receive Jesus in Holy Communion, I want to be free of sin, so I am worthy of Jesus and my Mom and Dad and all my relatives and friends. It’s an act of love and thanksgiving for all they did and mean to me. So regular Confession is a real friend.

When you receive Jesus and your family and friends in Holy Communion, for whom will you be grateful? Be sure to thank Jesus. I promise you, they are closer to you in Holy Communion than any or all the moments they were in life on this earth.

Peace, my friends.


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC


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