Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Easter Thursday 2022 – 04-21-2022
For years I haven’t given up anything for Lent. Father Antonio Rosmini coined the term PPI’s, or Peculiar Penances of the Institute. (Institute of Charity is the name of our religious order.) They are those little or big crosses that come out of the blue. It takes a lot of grace to embrace these crosses joyfully every day. I couldn’t do it without Jesus helping me.
PPI’s came to mind when I read the words of Jesus. “Why are you troubled?” I wonder how many times Jesus says to you and me, “Why are you troubled?” He said this to His disciples on the first Easter Sunday. They thought they saw a ghost when He appeared to them. It’s like He is saying, “Don’t you get it? I am alive. May I have a piece of fish?.” So He took it and ate it. Yummy.
Eating the fish in front of the disciples was proof for them that Jesus was not a ghost. So when you and I are troubled, Jesus will ask us for a piece of fish. The piece of fish is the incredible thing that only Jesus can do in any struggle I am experiencing – a PPI. So the piece of fish is trust, the trust that Jesus will bear the battle for me and bring me through it to the other side (resurrection). It’s just as He promised, “Come to me, all you who labor and are overburdened, and I will give you rest.”
The “rest” is a tiny drop of heaven – a little resurrection from the dead. So what fish are you giving to Jesus today?
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Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Easter Thursday 2022 – 04-21-2022
For years I haven’t given up anything for Lent. Father Antonio Rosmini coined the term PPI’s, or Peculiar Penances of the Institute. (Institute of Charity is the name of our religious order.) They are those little or big crosses that come out of the blue. It takes a lot of grace to embrace these crosses joyfully every day. I couldn’t do it without Jesus helping me.
PPI’s came to mind when I read the words of Jesus. “Why are you troubled?” I wonder how many times Jesus says to you and me, “Why are you troubled?” He said this to His disciples on the first Easter Sunday. They thought they saw a ghost when He appeared to them. It’s like He is saying, “Don’t you get it? I am alive. May I have a piece of fish?.” So He took it and ate it. Yummy.
Eating the fish in front of the disciples was proof for them that Jesus was not a ghost. So when you and I are troubled, Jesus will ask us for a piece of fish. The piece of fish is the incredible thing that only Jesus can do in any struggle I am experiencing – a PPI. So the piece of fish is trust, the trust that Jesus will bear the battle for me and bring me through it to the other side (resurrection). It’s just as He promised, “Come to me, all you who labor and are overburdened, and I will give you rest.”
The “rest” is a tiny drop of heaven – a little resurrection from the dead. So what fish are you giving to Jesus today?
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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