Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Easter Monday 2022 – 04-18-2022



We are so blessed with our young people who witness their faith in so many ways. However, one that was most touching to me happened at 3 pm during the Good Friday Service. We finished the first reading and the Responsorial Psalm. Then, a door opened from the chapel. Some soldiers, Pontius Pilate, Jesus, and some women came out for the First Station; “Jesus is condemned to death.” It was the Living Stations. Their costumes identified them.

One time I was so touched that tears came to my eyes. It happened when Jesus fell for the first time. The thud of the cross hitting the ground and Jesus falling so helplessly startled me. He looked lifeless with no strength left. Finally, the soldier yanked him up, yelling at him, “Get up, Jew.” The thud of the cross on the floor went through my heart.

The tears came when I said, “Jesus, what do you see in me worthy for you to suffer so much.” My past sins seemed to cement my conviction. I felt so undeserving. But the more unworthy I felt the more joy silenced that thud of the cross. I knew that moment, more than ever before, Jesus loves me so personally. My health and well-being are more important to Him than His own. When I am at my worst, Jesus is at His best, loving me, so great is His mercy.

When have you experienced the tender love of our Savior? Spend a few moments today, thanking Him for it. Did it change you in any way? How?


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC 



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