Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily Friday – 02-25-2022

Friday 7th Week in Ordinary Time 2022


What an exciting time when a couple is engaged and comes to me to prepare them for Marriage. The Church provides a 6-month preparation for couples to grow in the Presence of Christ for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and health, until death do them part. It takes a lifetime to become the Presence of Jesus to their spouse. “The two become one flesh,” says Jesus. The one flesh they become in the Sacrament of Marriage is the flesh of Jesus.

I encourage them to be faithful to Jesus in celebrating His Eucharist every Sunday with our parish family. “Become what you eat,” was a pet said in the early Church. Jesus waits to renew their sacrificial love for each other every Sunday. I also encourage them to hold each other in prayer every night, surrendering themselves to Jesus and letting Him take care of everything. He is almighty and does everything in love.

But as I prayed over this gospel, faces of couples kept coming to mind who couldn’t keep that covenant of sacrificial love for each other. There are many factors involved, and each couple is different. They experience so much heartache, sadness, and grief. If you know someone who has gone through the worst of times, pray, pray, pray for them. Each prayer offered up brings Jesus into their hearts. This is not the time to point fingers and find blame, and it is the time to listen without judgment. They need our love now, more than ever.

Lent is around the corner. So get some practice and sacrifice something today for a struggling couple. Then unite it with the sacrificial love Jesus offers for us in every Mass. I will offer my sacrifice with you. So this Sunday, become what you eat for them.


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC


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