Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily -12-09-2021

Thursday of the Second Week in Advent. 
Matthew 11: 11- 15  


Wouldn’t you say that most people in America wonder when the violence will end? Or, at least slow down a bit. The news is full of it. Jesus even says, “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of heaven suffers violence.” That violence came home when a friend murdered a young lady a week ago. Her co-workers were like family. I know her Mom, and we have spoken several times since her daughter’s death.   

Her Mom is a woman of great faith and lives every moment with the Lord. There was no anger in her voice for the man who committed this horrible crime. It took me back when she said, “We have to pray for mercy and forgiveness.” I ask, and maybe you do too, “How can that be?” How can she open her heart for this man so soon after losing her daughter through violence?   

The answer is simple. There is no violence in this Mom’s heart or her mind, and she lives so near to the heart of Jesus that He is breathing in her His words on the Cross, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”   

Spend a few moments with the Lord on this line; Jesus said one time, “The Kingdom of God is within you.” We all have thoughts, words, and actions that cause the Kingdom of God within us to suffer violence. In those moments, I ask the Lord Jesus, “Pray the words from your Cross in my heart.” “Father, forgive me. I know not what I do.” 

The violence in society ends in each one’s heart through mercy. Pray as many times as needed, “Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.” He will. 

Ignite the Fire 

Fr. Rick Pilger, IC   


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