October 6, 2021, Wednesday 27th Week in Ordinary Time

Luke 11:1-4
Please open your Scriptures and read these verses prayerfully.

The Encounter

"Lord, teach us to pray" (Luke 11:1). There was something different about the way Jesus prayed. Jesus was in prayer, and the disciples, nearby, noticed something happening in Jesus. It’s the same thing that happens when you and I meet someone. Our whole demeanor changes. If it is someone we know, we might perk up if they are dear to us. If it’s someone we don’t know, we may have a puzzling look on our faces. Who is this person? Enquiring minds want to know.

Yes, the disciples remarked, "Jesus wasn’t just saying words. He wasn’t speaking at all. It’s like He was with someone He knew so well. His peace, His contentment, even filled us.

The gospel challenge: The disciples wanted whatever Jesus had when He prayed. "Lord, teach us to pray." Well, how do you teach someone to encounter another just as they find themselves at that moment? Jesus started with the phrase, "When you pray, say: ‘ "Our Father." ‘ An employee approaching a boss they don’t know will give their best impression. A child approaching Dad will tell it like it is, no beating around the bush. It’s not a head matter. It’s a heart matter. I need you the most right now. "Jesus, teach us to be with your Dad like you are with Him."

Go to your Father. Take notice how much He wants to be with you. Tell him, from your heart, what you need most this moment. What is most on your mind and heart? Leave it with Him to deal with in His time. Then, later in the day, take notice of what happens. Thank Him.

IGNITE THE FIRE. God bless you, my friends.

Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.




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