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Christmas and New Year’s Day Mass Schedule
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, CHRISTMAS EVE4:30 p.m. Christmas Vigil Mass8:00 p.m. Christmas Evening MassThe children from our parish will present a Christmas Pageant at 4 p.m.
Epiphany Day Eucharistic Procession
We will have our 4th Annual Epiphany Day Eucharistic Procession through our neighborhood on Sunday, January 5,2025 immediately following the 11:30am Mass! Join us after
Eucharistic Ministers Needed
Blessed Sacrament is very much in need of additional Eucharistic Ministers at all Masses. If you’ve alwayswanted to contribute your time to your church, or
Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time
November 17, 2024, Matthew 13:24-32 Bishop Parkes Call to Conversion This past Sunday I was honored to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to
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Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Saturday in the Octave of Advent
December 21, 2024, Luke 1:39-45 Say Yes to God and Keep saying Yes. In Mary’s meeting with her cousin Elizabeth, we see how our
Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Gospel Reflection for December 20, 2024 in the Octave of Advent
Luke 1:26-38 Let It Be As You Say, And It Will. Think of Mother Mary going about her daily routine, her little jobs around
Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Thursday, 3rd Week in Ordinary Time
December 19, 2024, Luke 1:5-25 Jumping to Conclusions Do you ever find yourself reacting to someone or something that happens instead of responding in
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily Tuesday, 3rd Week in Advent
December 17, 2024, Matthew 21:28-32 Simply Try. “The Lord never tires of forgiving, never!It is we who tire of asking his forgiveness.” Pope Francis. How