Ascribed Formation, Class 1

The Ascribed community of Blessed Sacrament Church is currently forming new members for Ascription. The requirements to become Ascribed in the Institute of Charity are:

  • Have a desire to be joined to the Institute of Charity community,
  • Have a desire to provide universal charity as best they can according to their station in life,
  • Attend 7 monthly formation classes,
  • Make the necessary promises at the end of formation.

The 7 formation classes are devoted to the understanding of the Maxims of Christian Perfection written by Father-Founder Blessed Anotnio Rosmini.

Once a member of the Ascribed, you will be  a part of a larger, international community that exists for the “perfection of souls”, dedicated to being better disciples of Christ, and participants in the unified goal of Universal Charity.

If you would like to know more, or, are interested in this spirituality, please attend our formation classes the second Tuesday of every month, at 7pm in the main Church.

The presentation:


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