Wednesday, 25th Week in Ordinary Time September 27, 2023

Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Wednesday, 25th Week in Ordinary Time September 27, 2023, Luke 9:1-6 Have No Fear To Hold The Pain Of Another In Your Heart. How many times have dictators risen and fallen in our world? They use their authority to bully their people into subhuman existence. And should anyone oppose […]

Tuesday, 25th Week in Ordinary Time September 26, 2023

Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Tuesday, 25th Week in Ordinary Time September 26, 2023, Luke 8:19-21 Jesus Is Always Speaking To Us. It’s mysterious to me, but sometimes, I hear a voice inside of me telling me to do something. Other times, a thought keeps coming back to me to call somebody, visit somebody, […]