Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Friday, 18th Week in Ordinary Time

August 11, 2023, Matthew 17:24-28 The sacrament of the sick is a powerful encounter with Jesus in areas wesuffer the greatest. Surgery carries its complications and difficulties. It candisrupt our lives, such as losing work and the ability to do the simplestthings for ourselves. Over time it can cause a lot of frustration, anger, and […]
Saturday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time September 2, 2023
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Saturday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time September 2, 2023, Matthew 25:14-30 What the Master Sees. Sometimes, I visit people in the hospital who are in tremendous pain. The morphine barely takes off the edge of their misery. Yet, behind the tears in their eyes is peace. I […]