Epiphany of the Lord, January 8, 2023
Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Epiphany of the Lord, January 8, 2023 Matthew 2:1-12 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/010823.cfm Direction Tells the Whole Story It is easy to see the contrast between King Herod and the Wise Men in the gospel. It is true that both were single-minded but were going in different directions. Herod followed a star […]
Eucharistic Procession

Please join us as we process with the Blessed Sacrament through our local neighbor after 11:30 Mass on Epiphany Sunday. There will be a few golf carts for those that cannot walk. And there will be aa short adoration after the procession.
Teddy Bear Mass – Jan. 29th

Every year, to kick off Catholic School Week, our school has a teddy bear drive. The teddy bears collected are given to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office for use with traumatized or injured children. It shows trust and love from the office to the child. Please consider donating a teddy bear or stuffed animal.

Starting January 19th, 7:00pm in the Parish Center. Contact Brent Sowards for more information…plt@bscchurch.com.