Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Saturday, the 5th Week in Lent – 04-09-2022

https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/040922.cfm “WHO ARE YOU?” The TV show, NCIS, has been popular for years. Forensic science helps solve murder cases. The beginning and end of the show, play a snippet of the song “Who are you” by the Who. It’s a catchy tune that grabs your attention to want to solve the mystery. People wanted to […]
Ave Maria Guild Events

MOM (Month of Mary) Raffle – Tickets are $5.00 and will be sold in the Church Vestibule April 30th – May 14th. Saturday, May 14th, after the 4:30pm mass – Wine and cheese gathering in the Fr. James Gordon Parish Center. Everyone is invited to this FREE social gathering. Proceeds from the event will benefit […]