1/29/2022 – St. Francis de Sales
St. Francis de Sales was born to a noble family at Chateau de Sales in the Kingdom of Savoy near Geneva, Switzerland on August 21, 1567. He was a Bishop and Doctor of the Church. Francis was both intelligent and gentle. From a very early age, he desired to serve God. He knew for years […]
Fr. Rick’s Three Minute Homily for Sunday – 01-30-2022
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022Mark 4:21-30 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/013022.cfm WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS? I remember a saying of my mom and dad’s, “He’s too big for his britches?” It means, he is not what he thinks he is. That is pretty much how the people of Jesus’ hometown sized Jesus up. They were looking […]
Teddy Bear Sunday
To kick off Catholic Schools Week, our school coordinates a Mass whereby they collect teddy bears to donate to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office to assist victims of crimes. Our teddy bear Mass will be this Sunday, January 30th at 11:30am. Our goal is to collect over 500 teddy bears. Please consider donating a teddy […]