1-5-2022 – The Conversion of St. Paul
Saint Paul is one of the most important and influential of all the saints. Many of his writings are contained in the Canon of the Bible and have influenced the growth and development of the Church since the first century. St. Paul was originally known as Saul, and he was a Roman citizen and a […]
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Wednesday – 01-26-2022
Wednesday 3rd Week in Ordinary Time 2002 Mark 4:1-20 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/012622.cfm RICKY, GO DEEP When I was playing football as a young kid, I loved when my name was called, “Ricky, go deep.” This past Sunday, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers had the game in hand in the final minute until the Rams threw a long pass with […]