Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Thursday – 01-20-2022

Thursday 2nd Week in Ordinary Time 2022 Mark 3:7-12 A CUP OF COFFEE WITH JESUS. I remember reading a book on St. Joan of Arc. She was burned at the stake because she claimed she heard Jesus speaking to her. While the fire was being set, the judge asked her, “How do you hear […]
1/19/2022 – St. Canute

Martyred king of Denmark, sometimes called Knud. The illegitimate son of King Sven II Estridson of Denmark, Canute succeeded his brother Harald III Hen in 1081. After marrying Adela, the sister of Count Robert of Flanders, Canute built churches and monasteries. In 1085, he planned an invasion of England, but the nobles of the court […]
Blessed Sacrament Catholic School Carnival – Feb. 25, 26, 26