1/4/2022 – St. Titus
A disciple and companion of St. Paul to whom the great saint addressed one of his letters. Paul referred to Titus as “my true child in our common faith”. Not mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, he was noted in Galatians where Paul writes of journeying to Jerusalem with Barnabas, accompanied by Titus. He […]
Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Tuesday – 01-04-2022, Tuesday after Epiphany
Mark 6: 34-44 – https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/010422.cfm ONE AND THE SAME HEART FOR PEOPLE. When was the last time you were moved with pity for someone? Think back to that moment someone’s suffering stabbed you in the middle of your heart like you couldn’t help it. Your compassion for them may have even shocked you. A dear […]