1/3/2022 – St. Genevieve
St. Genevieve was a fair and courageous peasant girl who was born around 422 in Nanterre, France, to a man named Severus and a woman named Gerontia. When Genevieve was only seven-years-old, St. Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre visited Nanterre on his way to Britain. While he was there, many people flocked to receive his blessing. […]
Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Monday – 01-03-2022 Monday after Epiphany
Matthew 2:12-17. 23-25 – https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/010322.cfm WHAT CAN I PROCLAIM? When we hear the words, “Proclaim the Gospel,” many, maybe a majority, think that we are not capable of such a task. Leave it to the pros, the clergy and catechists, and believe me, that is not the case. Here is why. The Gospel that Jesus […]