The Spirituality of Blessed Antonio Rosmini 09-26-2021
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C. Spiritual Calendar A Thought for Each Day of the Year By Blessed Antonio Rosmini Edited by Fr. Antonio Belsito September 26 The work of divine Providence during the centuries of the militant Church on earth is to draw progressively all things, even what belongs to secular society, into subjection to Jesus […]
9/25/2021 – St. Sergius of Radonezh

Sergius of Radonezh (14 May 1314 – 25 September 1392), also known as Sergiy Radonezhsky, Serge of Radonezh and Sergius of Moscow, was a spiritual leader and monastic reformer of medieval Russia. Together with Seraphim of Sarov, he is one of the Russian Orthodox Church’s most highly venerated saints.
September 25, 2021 Saturday, 25th Week in Ordinary Time
Saturday 25TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Luke 9:43b-45 The unknown can be frightening when faced alone. Jesus asked his disciples to pay attention because He told them that He would surrender himself into the hands of men. They couldn’t grasp this saying. Deep down, they probably knew something terrible was going to happen to Jesus. […]