Our Vision
To spread Jesus' Eucharistic Love throughout the greater Seminole area by bringing lifelong disciples into his church through acts of charity, fellowship, and prayer

Our Mission

The Family of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church trusts in God’s Divine Love under the guidance of the Rosminian Tradition of Universal Charity.

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Announcements & News

Lesser Known Saints

1/30/2022 – St. Bathildis

Queen and foundress. She was born in England, where she was enslaved and taken to Neustria, which was part of the Frankish kingdom. In time, Bathildis became a trusted member of King Clovis Il’s court and married him in 649. She bore him three sons: Clotaire Ill, Childeric II, and Thierry Ill, all of whom became kings. When Clovis died in 657, Bathildis served as regent for Clotaire III. She had founded a Benedictine convent at Chelles, as well as St. Denis Monastery and Corbie. When Clotaire III

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Father Rick's Daily Commentaries

Fr. Rick’s Gospel Reflection for Thursday, 28th Week in Ordinary Time, October 17, 2024

Luke 11: 11:47-54  https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/101724.cfm The most humbling thing we can discover is … Who could ask how many times the scribes, Pharisees, and lawyers heard Jesus call people to repentance so they may believe in the Gospel? Probably about as many times as he’s called you and me to repentance and a more profound commitment to Him. Would it be that our minds and memories are so full of how people have treated us that it is challenging to think that God would act differently?  We know in our heads

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Mass Times

Morning:  8:00 am, 10:00 am & 11:30am

Rosary prayed 7:30am & 9:30am

Morning –  8:00 a.m
Evening –  4:30 pm (Vigil)

          Rosary prayed 7:30am & 4:00pm

Morning: 8:00 am

                   Rosary prayed 7:30 am

Pastoral Staff

Father Rick Pilger


Father Matthew Bibin

Associate Pastor

Father James Gordon

Pastor Emeritus

Our School

Blessed Sacrament School opened in the fall of 1962


11565 66th Avenue North, Seminole, Florida 33772
Fax: 727-391-5638